티스토리 뷰



오늘은 월요일일이라

너무나도 피곤하지만

그래도 영어 듣기 공부한 것을 정리하려고

피곤함을 참고 글을 씁니다.





I was on my way from LA
hit traffic in the valley
Hit the homies when I got close
Said they wit some girls from berkely
I lost track of time
When you caught my eye
girl you know you fye
what you wanna do I'm gon do it
you know I been tryna catch a vibe
you so one of a kind
and I'm in awe when I'm around you
2 days in a row
we haven't quit two days in a row
And what we did you already know
I'm who you wit two days in a row
two days in a row
get it get it bindgin on yo body need you round
need another dose right now and you down
two days in a row
and I ain't trippin if we do two more
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
it's been 47 hours
you and I must have superpowers
you open late like Taco Bell stay
dreamed of a girl and then I found her
yeah I found her
I lost track of time
When you caught my eye
girl you know you fye
what you wanna do I'm gon do it
you know I been tryna catch a vibe
you so one of a kind
and I'm in awe when I'm around you
2 days in a row
we haven't quit two days in a row
And what we did you already know
I'm who you wit two days in a row
two days in a row
get it get it bindgin on yo body need you round
need another dose right now and you down
two days in a row
and I ain't trippin if we do two more
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
make it make it make it make it make it all about you girl
cut my phone off till we doze off
make it make it make it make it make it all about you girl
cause I just wanna love you
2 days in a row
we haven't quit two days in a row
And what we did you already know
I'm who you wit two days in a row
two days in a row
get it get it bindgin on yo body need you round
need another dose right now and you down
two days in a row
and I ain't trippin if we do two more
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
wake up wake up wake up gotta get it get it
got it goin gucci baby
hold me down for the weekend make it all bout you
make it all bout you na na na
make it all bout you na na na
make it all bout you na

bout you na







Hit the homies


이거는 home 뭐시기 하는 건 들었는데

단어를 몰라서 못들었다고 생각해요.

사전을 찾아보니 homies가

'친구들'을 의미하는


hit이라는 단어랑 만나서

때렸다가 아니고

친구와 만났다

라고 해석하시면 될 것 같습니다.













When you caught my eye




사전을 찾아보니

'caught my eye'

가 자주 쓰이는 문구더라고요.

눈을 사로잡다

이런 뜻이여서


네가 내 눈을 사로잡았을 때

라고 해석하시면 될 것 같습니다.











 I'm in awe 




in awe라고 해서

사전을 찾아보니

경외감이 들었다 라는 뜻을 가지고 있는데요






제 기준에서는 무슨 단어를 말하는지도 모르게

그냥 빠르게 지나갔습니다.












you so one of a kind





예전에 지드래곤 노래 가사에도

있었던 것 같은데요

one of a kind는

특별하다, 독보적이다

이런 의미더라고요

그래서 너는 독보적이다 , 특별하다

이런 식으로 해석하시면 될 것 같습니다.




오늘 월요일 일주일의 시작인데

정말 모두들 고생하셨고

내일 화요일도 기분 좋은 하루가

되었으면 좋겠습니다.

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